Come performance week at Ummeed... dedication levels grew, the younger kids peeled away, and the older kids hung around... but an ultimatum, they would do the performance, they said - but it would have to be 'good enough' - no half-measures.
Woah - a tall order indeed... no wonder Theo and Suchitra look grave.... how do we pull this off in 4 days?!
Note the bare blackboard... pressure! 
We would never have managed if it wasn't for the energy, dedication, creativity, and sheer talent of the Ummeed kids - I was left amazed. Those kids were better than almost any I've seen - they scripted most of the storyline themselves, danced up a storm, and most inspiringly - beamed delightedly through all the frustrating hours of trying to make this nebulous creation into some semblance of performance - we could never have made it work if they had been any less amazing, I am seriously in awe.
The Ummeed kids present 'An Amazing Love Story!' - a shameless Bollywood ripoff, just a little tongue-in-cheek :)
Fayaz - our pint-sized kickboxing heroine: carries off the bright pink skirt amazingly well :) 
Romance in the air - Raju and Fayaz meet over the washing line
Bazaar-wallas - patient Rohit and Raja
Our villanous villains... Yogesh and Suraj play the part to perfection... one wouldn't want to bump into them in a dark alley!

The showdown between our hero and the villanous villains
Fahim - our debonair policeman... even brandishing his lathi, he manages to make it look cool :)
The final dance-off - a breakdancing pink-skirted heroine,
the villain takes the floor!
Yaay - we did it! Our kids totally rocked - I'm not sure when I've been more proud - Woo Hoo!
Our last time with the cast from Ummeed - for a while at least… time went by far too quickly… those kids moved our world.